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Kirk Groves

Kirk Groves

I think you’ll find our approach and mission statement refreshing:

We will provide uncompromising representation for our clients through leading edge marketing, devoted attention, timely communication and a passion for people and service.
Let me tell you a little bit about WON Realty and how we came to be. It’s a story long in the making but pretty short to tell.

Simply put, having spent the last 24 years in the Real Estate industry and being personally involved with thousands of transactions, the opportunity has come for us to offer even more to our clients. Through my entire experience, I have continually sought to innovate, improve and add value for you.

With WON Realty we now have the freedom to offer our listing clients an unparalleled value.

What more can we offer? We already have expansive experience and world class marketing. Thorough knowledge of real estate transaction contract-to-close management gives you the smoothest transaction possible. Our negotiation and trouble shooting/problem solving skills are unbeatable. There’s just one more thing we can do as WON Realty that other Brokers can’t. We can offer you our vast experience and resources for an outstanding value!  ($3500 minimum commission plus what you decide to offer the Buyer’s Broker.)

How can we do this?

At WON Realty, your hard earned money and equity does not go toward:

Paying large salaries and benefits to unknown corporate Presidents, Vice Presidents, CEOs, COOs, managers, supervisors, stockholders (I think Warren Buffet has enough of my money) as well as funding their retirement accounts, corporate jets and junkets, book tours and all the other things your money trickles down to that don’t benefit you in any measurable way.

We have always had the philosophy that service comes before profits. With that in mind, our business has been rewarding in many ways more important than $$ and cents. Our care for our clients’ needs first and foremost has always meant the bottom line takes care of itself.

So, WELCOME to WON! Let us show you how it’s done
